Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Press Coverage

It is easy to say that Scott Walker is not all over the news right now due to his dropping out of the 2016 presidential race a few weeks ago. However, he is still an important figure in America and more specifically in the State of Wisconsin. That being said, he is not 100% absent in the news. 

I went to Google News and searched Scott Walkers name. The first article the came up was from the news source, New York Times, and it was titled “Highlights From the Fourth Republican Presidential Debate”. Although Walker was not the main focus of this article, he did have his moment to shine. The beginning of the article pointed out, “Scott Walker and Paul Ryan, Looking On What Might Have Been” and showed them in the crowd of the fourth Republican presidential debate on November 10, 2015 in Milwaukee. The images shared showed Walker and Ryan laughing and having a good time. The article continued on and focused on important events during the whole of debate. 

I then wanted to see if Walker had any news coverage that was more focused on what he was doing after dropping out of the race. I continued my search and found more about the fourth debate, but also found that Walker just signed a new bill. Milwaukee, Wisconsin’s Journal Sentinel shared on Wednesday November 11, 2015 that Walker signed a bill criminalizing ‘upskirting’ photos. Founded in this article Patrick Marley states, that Walker signed legislation making it a crime to photograph people under their clothes without their permission in what has come to be known as upskirting.

My search showed me that Walker is still in the news. However, he is definitely not the face of news right now. What is being reported about Walker is still important but does not necessarily concern the whole population or in better words, America is not focused entirely on Walker’s actions. Instead, naturally people are much more concerned about what is going on with the current 2016 Presidential candidates still in the race. That being said, Walker was once in the race and is still an important figure. Jeb Bush made a statement in which he was seeking Scott Walker’s support saying, “I’d love to have his support, of course”. I think that this looks good for Walker and shows his credibility. 

Overall, Walker is still being covered in large news sources, but he is definitely not the main focus. I think he will be more present in smaller media sources in the near future and remain in the background of large media sources as the 2016 presidential debate continues on. I do believe that his presence in media, although small, will work in his favor in the future if he continues on keeping a positive image. 



  1. Good post. What does walker have to do to be prevalent in the news sources?

  2. great pos! does walker have a chance to overcome these barriers?

  3. Although Walker is not in the news as much as someone like Donald Trump, do you find it to be more of a good or bad thing that Walker is not in the news? Would it be better to not be in the news at all if the only news he is generating is about him signing a bill making upskirting photos illegal?
